Evaluating Online Resources and Information

It must be true, I read it on the internet!!!

Wait....Pause and think...

Right. Information on the internet isn't always true or accurate!

So, before you choose a resource to use for your research, you need to EVALUATE it by investigating certain components to be sure it is a reliable source for information!

When researching, before you 'PPAARC' a note from a resource on your paper, check for...

P- Purpose- What is the purpose of this article? To objectively inform? To persuade you to believe something? To try and sell you something?

P- Publisher- What company is responsible for publishing this? What is the company about? Any potential bias to be aware of?

A- Authority- Who is the author? Are they an expert in this topic? What are their credentials? Any potential bias to be aware of?

A- Accuracy- Have you verified this information in more than one reliable source? 

R- Relevant- Is this information helpful in answering your research question?

C- Currency- When was it published? Is this information the most up-to-date on this topic? 

To learn more click on the resources in the left column!

brain pop online sources.JPG

Can You Trust the Internet?

*Please note: If prompted to log into Brain Pop when you click on the video, use the following:

Username= sc+school name (example: scnottingham) 

Password= bpop

Then select "Movie" and if prompted, click on "shared account"

"These Are All Fake News" Links to an external site.

"Alarmed By Fake News" Links to an external site.


You may have heard the term 'fake news,' right? Well, what does it mean exactly? Read these two articles to learn more!

*Please note: If prompted, you may need to sign into your NewsELA account by clicking: 

Sign In, then Clever. 

Then, come back to this page and click on the article link again. 

brain popl copyright.JPG

Who Owns The Stuff on the Internet?

You also have to remember that just because you CAN access a resource on the internet, does not mean you SHOULD use it or even legally can use it! Creators of work are protected by copyright laws. 

*Please note: If prompted to log into Brain Pop when you click on the video, use the following:

Username= sc+school name (example: scnottingham) 

Password= bpop

Then select "Movie" and if prompted, click on "shared account"

Links to an external site.


*These resources were adapted from a course created by SCSD teachers and librarians- Liz Morse, Lauren Tartaglia, Jen Montague & Emily Zieno.

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