Evaluating Online Resources and Information
It must be true, I read it on the internet!!!
Wait....Pause and think...
Right. Information on the internet isn't always true or accurate!
So, before you choose a resource to use for your research, you need to EVALUATE it by investigating certain components to be sure it is a reliable source for information!
When researching, before you 'PPAARC' a note from a resource on your paper, check for...
P- Purpose- What is the purpose of this article? To objectively inform? To persuade you to believe something? To try and sell you something?
P- Publisher- What company is responsible for publishing this? What is the company about? Any potential bias to be aware of?
A- Authority- Who is the author? Are they an expert in this topic? What are their credentials? Any potential bias to be aware of?
A- Accuracy- Have you verified this information in more than one reliable source?
R- Relevant- Is this information helpful in answering your research question?
C- Currency- When was it published? Is this information the most up-to-date on this topic?
To learn more click on the resources in the left column!
*These resources were adapted from a course created by SCSD teachers and librarians- Liz Morse, Lauren Tartaglia, Jen Montague & Emily Zieno.
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